Radnorshire Wildlife Trust have just done a repeat survey of our flowers, having done the last one in 2009. The results are below.
Now that we have got the sheep off the hill the flowers are wonderful! Try and have a look now they are at their best. The orchard and the clearing were not surveyed previously, but the castle area shows 20 more species than in 2009. Many of these would have been present but grazed off by the sheep so the flowers were invisible.
Achillea millefolium
Anthoxanthum odoratum Aphanes arvensis agg Arabidopsis thaliana * Arenaria serpyllifolia * Campanula rotundifolia Cardamine hirsuta Cerastium fontanum Cirsium arvense Cirsium vulgare Crataegus monogyna Cruciata laevipes * Cynosurus cristatus Dactylis glomerata * Deschampsia flexuosa * Digitalis purpurea Epilobium montanum * Erophila verna Fraxinus excelsior Galium aparine * Galium saxatile Galium verum Geranium dissectum * Geranium molle Holcus lanatus * Lotus corniculatus Luzula campestris Myosotis sp * Pilosella officinarum Potentilla erecta Pteridium aquilinum * Quercus sp * Ranunculus repens Rosa arvensis * Rosa canina agg * Rubus fruticosus * Rumex acetosa Rumex acetosella Sagina procumbens Stellaria graminea * Taraxacum agg Thymus polytrichus Trifolium dubium Trifolium pratense * Trifolium repens * Veronica arvensis Veronica chamaedrys Veronica officinalis Veronica serpyllifolia * Vicia sativa ssp nigra * Crepis capillaris
* – Not recorded in previous survey (2009)
Not all grasses & sedges identified.
Sweet Vernal Grass Parsley Piert Thale Cress Thyme-leaved Sandwort Harebell Hairy Bittercress Common Mouse-ear Creeping Thistle Spear Thistle Hawthorn Crosswort Crested Dog’s Tail Cocksfoot Wavy Hair-grass Foxglove Broad-leaved Willowherb Common Whitlowgrass Ash seedling Goosegrass Heath Bedstraw Ladies Bedstraw Cut-leaved Cranesbill Dove’s Foot Cranesbill Yorkshire Fog Birdsfoot Trefoil Field Woodrush Forgetmenot Mouse-ear Hawkweed Tormentil Bracken Oak seedling Creeping Buttercup Field Rose Dog Rose Bramble Sorrel Sheep’s Sorrel Procumbent Pearlwort Lesser Stitchwort Dandelion Wild Thyme Lesser Trefoil Red Clover White Clover Wall Speedwell Germander Speedwell Heath Speedwell Thyme-leaved Speedwell Common Vetch Smooth Hawksbeard
Aphanes arvensis agg
Cerastium fontanum * Cirsium arvense Cirsium vulgare Crataegus monogyna Crepis capillaris * Digitalis purpurea Epilobium montanum * Fraxinus excelsior * Galium saxatile Galium verum Geum urbanum * Holcus lanatus * Hypericum humifusum * Lotus corniculatus Myosotis discolor * Pilosella officinarum Potentilla erecta Potentilla sterilis * Pteridum aquilinum * Rubus fruticosus * Rumex acetosa * Stellaria graminea * Thymus polytrichus * Veronica arvensis Veronica chamaedrys Veronica officinalis * Viola riviniana
* – Not recorded in previous survey (2009)
Not all grasses & sedges identified.
Parsley Piert
Common Mouse-ear Creeping Thistle Spear Thistle Hawthorn Smooth Hawksbeard Foxglove Broad-leaved Willowherb Ash seedling Heath Bedstraw Ladies Bedstraw Wood Avens Yorkshire Fog Creeping St John’s Wort Birdsfoot Trefoil Changing Forgetmenot Mouse-ear Hawkweed Tormentil Barren Strawberry Bracken Bramble Sorrel Lesser Stitchwort Wild Thyme Wall Speedwell Germander Speedwell Heath Speedwell Common Dog Violet
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Aphanes arvensis agg * Cerastium fontanum Cirsium arvense Crepis capillaris Cynosurus cristatus Galium verum * Geranium dissectum * Heracleum sphondylium Holcus lanatus Plantago lanceolata Ranunculus acris * Ranunculus repens Rhinanthus minor * Rumex acetosa * Stellaria graminea * Taraxacum agg Trifolium dubium Trifolium pratense Trfolium repens * Urtica dioica Veronica chamaedrys
* – Not recorded in previous survey (2009)
Not all grasses & sedges identified.
Sweet Vernal Grass
Parsley Piert Common Mouse-ear Creeping Thistle Smooth Hawksbeard Crested Dogstail Ladies’ Bedstraw Cut-leaved Cranesbill Hogweed Yorkshire Fog Ribwort Plantain Meadow Buttercup Creeping Buttercup Yellow Rattle Sorrel Lesser Stitchwort Dandelion Lesser Trefoil Red Clover White Clover Common Nettle Germander Speedwell