Community Growing Project – Sunday 28th March 2pm

Knucklas Local Produce Stall
11 months into the Land Project and we’re thinking about starting a new chapter – Community Growing. To improve the availability of locally grown food, it’s been suggested that we grow more fruit and veg alongside the allotment site and that the produce grown there could eventually be sold on Knucklas’ local produce stall. The plan is to start small this year as the first jobs will involve establishing some growing plots and improving the soil – and slowly increasing the range of fruit and veg grown over the coming years.
The ‘Community’ part of this scheme is where we all give up an hour or two of our time every now and then (perhaps each week when the project really takes off) and meet up as a group to dig and weed and sow and water and harvest etc and of course drink tea , eat cake, sit in the sun and dream about all the things we might do if we could get round to them! So pretty normal really!
The first chance to take part in this Community Growing Project is this Sunday 28th March at 2pm at the allotments, when we’ll mark out and prepare the first fruit and vegetable plots. Do come along, with a spade and a wheelbarrow if you can get them – we’d love to see you there!