The first 6 months fundraising activities concentrated on identifying the best types of grant schemes for the project. We made contacts with some scheme officers and received an enthusiastic visit from a representative of Environment Wales. Although their funding had already been used-up, we have time to develop an application for the next financial year beginning in April 2010.
Amongst our successes were an application to the Heyope Recreation Ground Charity for the production of an electronic distance measurement plan of St. David’s Churchyard; and in July we applied to Powys Environmental Partnership (supported by the Welsh Assembly and CCW) under their “Access to Bio-Diverse Habitats” theme and were awarded just under £750 for the planting of a Community Orchard.
Many grant schemes require us to match their funds or provide a proportion of the funding, as volunteer time, cash or permitted contributions from other grants. Schemes offering 100% funding are relatively rare but the Lottery Small Grant “Awards for All” programme is one example and we will be making an application soon. All these applications will help us in the development of our funding track record for future larger-scale programmes.
[Posted by Jacky Oct.2009]