Poetry trail
The Marches Poets have written 18 poems and spread them around the allotments. Here is a map – see how many you can find. There is one hidden poem also! Click here to see the map (1.2MB pdf)
[CLICK TO READ MORE]The Marches Poets have written 18 poems and spread them around the allotments. Here is a map – see how many you can find. There is one hidden poem also! Click here to see the map (1.2MB pdf)
[CLICK TO READ MORE]Our AGM this year will be on 7th October, 7.30 pm, at The Castle Inn, Knucklas Our guest speaker is Evelyn Kirkham telling us about her study of the ‘Arthur Legend’ and most importantly, why we seem to culture it and maybe need it. All welcome, not only members! (NOTE: … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
A new view of the castle using LiDR technology has become available, look here. Many thanks to Mark Walters for this new view. It raises some interesting questions about the way the castle has been used over the many years of its existence.