Events this year
Spring is coming to Knucklas and it’s time for some action.
Two work parties have been organised:
Sunday 13th March in the Community Orchard, from 10.30 am.
Come and help with preparing for the coming season.
Sunday 27th March (Easter day) in the allotments.
While grown ups are happily labouring in the allotments younger people will be able to join an Easter Egg Hunt in the Orchard at 11.00 a.m. Come along with all the family.
Other events:
On 4th June we were hoping to have our own KNUCKFEST but have decided to leave it until 2017. If you would like to help please get in touch.
7th August is the date of our allotment day.
Come and celebrate the work, the produce and the camaraderie of our allotments.
30th October is Apple Day/Halloween.
Put all these dates in your diary. And come along. You’re sure of a good time and a welcome.