Produce stall comes again!
Local Produce Stall THE CASTLE INN KNUCKLAS 11 – 1pm. 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month Starting on 17th JUNE Pub open from 11am for TEAS, COFFEES & BACON ROLLS etc..
[CLICK TO READ MORE]Local Produce Stall THE CASTLE INN KNUCKLAS 11 – 1pm. 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month Starting on 17th JUNE Pub open from 11am for TEAS, COFFEES & BACON ROLLS etc..
[CLICK TO READ MORE]The 3rd Open Day for the KCCLP Allotments held on Sunday 14th August 2011 was a great success and a video of the event was made for all to enjoy the occasion. Thanks to Tony Palmer who donated his time and expertise again in filming, editing and mixing the music … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Our 3rd Allotment Open Day will be on Sunday – hope you can come and enjoy the wonderful allotments and some tea and cake. Our vegetables will also be available to buy and there will be prizes for the best allotment, best raised bed, best youth club plot, the tallest … [CLICK TO READ MORE]