Press Articles 28th November and 9th November (Hereford Times) 2008

Original Castle Mound plot showing Castle Gardens (Now in private ownership)
28th November 2008:
McCartneys Knighton Office report an excellent sale of three Lots of Land at the Knighton Hotel on Thursday 27th November 2008. The first Lot of the afternoon was 4.69 acres of Pasture Land adjoining Knucklas Castle Hill, where the bidding started at £25,000.
A spokesman for the Project said afterwards ‘The people of Knucklas and surrounding area are delighted to have purchased the Knucklas Castle and some field adjacent. They will be setting up a Community Land Trust to control and own the land for the benefit of local people. This is a national movement and information is on their web site – It is likely that some of the land would be available for allotments and similar growing activities. The woodland around the castle would be maintained and improved, and many other ideas are coming from local people. Anyone interested is invited to get in touch and to support our efforts by becoming shareholders or taking part in our activities. Contact either 01547 520266 or 01547 528792 to talk about the possibilities.’
To read the article of 9th November 2008 in the Hereford Times, visit it online at “Knucklas Castle site of King Arthur’s wedding auctioned by McCartneys” (Thank you Hereford Times – are you popping over on 5th December 2009 to join the celebrations on the Orchard Field (Tree planting) and in the evening at the Castle Inn, Knucklas (Watering the Tree Planters 😉 )